構思法律事務所 Cause Law Firm

由信念律師創立 Formed by Taiwan Cause Lawyer 為信念執業(人權、正義、公益、社會、弱勢) Lawyering for the Cause (human rights, justice, public interest, society, vulnerable group)






陳禹農 Jonathan Chen

律師 Attorney at Law




  • 政治大學財經法學博士班
  • 交通大學科技法學碩士
  • 交通大學電機工程學士


  • 教育部校園事件處理會議調查專業人員
  • 教育部教師專業審查會調查專業人員
  • 教師解聘不續聘停聘或資遣事件審議委員會委員
  • 教育部教保相關人員違法事件調查專業人員
  • 教保相關人員疑似違法事件認定委員會委員
  • 高級中等以下學校學生申訴及再申訴評議委員會委員
  • 高級中等以下學校學生申訴及再申訴評議委員會校外專家學者
  • 新竹青創基地青年創業輔導團委員
  • 勞動部工作場所性騷擾調查專業人才
  • 經濟部中小及新創企業榮譽律師
  • 法院調解委員
  • 衛生局性侵害加害人評估小組專家委員
  • 性騷擾防治審議會委員
  • 性騷擾防治委員會委員
  • 警察局性騷擾申訴案件調查小組委員
  • 警察局性騷擾申訴調查小組外聘專家學者
  • 醫師懲戒委員會委員
  • 緊急醫療救護諮詢委員會委員
  • 都市更新審議委員會委員
  • 家庭暴力及性侵害防治委員會委員
  • 法律扶助家事、勞工專科律師
  • 科技律師學苑結業
  • 社工(師)教育訓練講師
  • 社會福利服務中心法律顧問
  • 醫療機構法律顧問
  • 科技公司法律顧問
  • 社會企業法律顧問
  • 中小企業法律顧問
  • 創業中心法律顧問
  • 教師會法律顧問
  • 新竹市法律扶助顧問
  • 新竹律師公會理事
  • 律師公會全國聯合會副主任委員
  • 外國法律事務所
  • 國內大型法律事務所
  • 智庫法律研究員
  • 法學雜誌編輯
  • 法官學生助理


  • Ph.D. Prog. of Econ. & Fin. Law, NCCU
  • M. of Tech. Law, NCTU
  • B. of Elec. & Comp. Eng., NCTU


  • Investigation Expert of Campus Incidents Committee, MOE
  • Investigation Expert of Teachers’ Professional Review Committee, MOE
  • Member of Dismissal, Non-renewal, Suspension, and Layoff Incidents of Teacher Committee
  • Investigation Expert of Illegal Incidents of Preschool Related Staff Committee, MOE
  • Member of Determination of Alleged Illegal Incidents of Preschool Related Staff Committee
  • Member of Student Appeals and Re-appeals Committee
  • External Expert of Student Appeals and Re-appeals Committee
  • Counsel of Hsinchu Startup Hub
  • Workplace Sexual Harassment Investigation Expert, MOL
  • Honorable Lawyer of SME and Startup, MOEA
  • Mediator of the Court
  • Expert Member of Sex Offender Assessment Team, PHB
  • Member of Sexual Harassment Prevention Audit Committee
  • Member of Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee
  • Member of Sexual Harassment Complaint and Investigation Team, HCPB
  • Expert Panel of Sexual Harassment Complaint and Investigation Team, HCPB
  • Member of Discipline of Physicians Committee
  • Member of Emergency Medical Services Counseling Committee
  • Member of Urban Renewal Review Committee
  • Member of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Committee
  • Legal Aid Lawyer specialized in Family and Labor Disputes
  • Graduate of Technology Lawyer Academy
  • Lecturer of (Senior) Social Worker Training Course
  • Legal Counsel of Social Welfare Center
  • Legal Counsel of Medical Care Institution
  • Legal Counsel of Tech Corporation
  • Legal Counsel of Social Enterprise
  • Legal Counsel of SMEs
  • Legal Counsel of Incubator
  • Legal Counsel of Teachers' Association
  • Legal Aid Counsel, HCG
  • Director of Hsinchu Bar Association
  • Deputy Chairperson of Taiwan Bar Association Committee
  • Foreign Law Firm
  • Domestic Major Law Firm
  • Think Tank Legal Researcher
  • Law Review Editor
  • Judge Student Clerk

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